H&S accreditation achieved for 7th year running

London-based Spectrum Recycling are proud to announce they’ve been awarded the coveted H&S CHAS accreditation for the 7th year running.

What is CHAS?

CHAS was set-up in 1997, by a group of health and safety procurement professionals working alongside the Association of London Government (ALG).  The aim of CHAS was to:

-          improve health and safety standards in Britain.

-          cut down on duplicated safety applications for both buyers and suppliers.

In 2016, more than 500 buyer organisations are certified by CHAS, including councils, housing associations, NHS trusts and many others.  And also, Spectrum Recycling.

So, what does CHAS actually do?

Thousands of contractors and consultants apply for work with public and private sector organisations each month.  To gain this work, it’s a requirement that they meet the buyer’s own safety standards.  This can be quite a time-consuming process: there are a lot of different companies, all with their own unique requirements.

Being CHAS Certified can really streamline this, as supplier compliance can be accepted by all CHAS buyers.

CHAS assesses credentials in:

-          Organisation for health and safety

-          Health and safety policy

-          Specific health and safety arrangements

Essentially, CHAS buying companies can work with CHAS-certified suppliers such as Spectrum Recycling worry-free.

What is SSIP and what does it mean?

CHAS is an SSIP accreditation. Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) was launched in May 2009 to facilitate the mutual recognition of assessments between member schemes, which means contractors do not need to repeat the full assessment process with multiple health and safety assessment schemes once they have been annually assessed and awarded the CHAS accreditation.

The terms of membership of the SSIP Forum means that all the members of the SSIP Forum are committed to mutually recognise each other’s standards of assessment. Therefore, any client wishing to procure the services of a business which has achieved certification by an SSIP Member Scheme can be confident that a reasonable and robust judgement has been made that the standard for organisational capability in CDM 2015 has been met, for the prequalification stage of procurement.

The externally audited SSIP and PAS 91-aligned contractor accreditation scheme checks you meet the necessary requirements around health and safety, equal opportunities, diversity and environmental management practices.

Vince Whelan, Managing Director at Spectrum Recycling commented:

“The health and safety of our teas, customers and the general public is always top of the list of priorities at Spectrum Recycling.  Maintaining the CHAS accreditation for 7 years means we are externally approved as being a safe organisation to work with.

This not only reassures our customers we are providing a safe and reliable service but speeds up the procurement service as they are assured that H&S is as it should be.

I’m very proud of the team, systems and processes we operation, as day in day out this means we run a safe and fully compliant commercial waste collection service right across London. As a team we are all very proud to have been re-awarded this for the 7th year running.”

Spectrum Recycling provide an easy to download Certificate Pack where customers can see the certificates from the accreditations held including their Waste Carriers Licence, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, CHAS and Safe Contractor. Click here to download.


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